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Ein bequemer Schlafplatz ist für deinen Hund genauso wichtig wie für Dich. Wie wir Menschen schlafen Hunde gern gemütlich, denn das schont und unterstützt den Rücken. Daher braucht er eine vernünftigen Hundeschlafplatz ebenso sehr, wie wir eine geeignete Matratze. Möglicherweise noch dringender, da Hunde weitaus mehr schlafen als wir. Ein erwachsener Vierbeiner kommt auf bis zu 18 Stunden täglich, ein Welpe oder Senior sogar auf über 20. Davon verbringen sie einen Großteil mit Dösen und nur sechs bis acht Stunden im Tiefschlaf. Um erholsam zu schlafen, brauchen Hunde daher einen sicheren, artgerechten Schlafplatz.

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The variety of dog sleeping places

Sleeping places for the beloved four-legged friend there are many. Dog bed, basket, pillow and others: they all differ, in some cases, only slightly. The classic basket consists of a hard shell that neither adapts nor is cozy, even if you cushion it with a dog pillow. Although it is easy to clean, it is unsuitable for your dog, as he cannot stretch out in it. You can put the cushion or a dog blanket on the floor for your dog or give him a place on the sofa. For the garden or the car, you can use dog mats, which are more robust and resistant to the weather. A dog bed, unlike the basket, is soft and padded throughout, but has a raised edge. In addition, for some time there are also so-called dog sofas. They are basically a type of dog bed, only with a higher lying surface and edges to resemble an actual sofa.

What dogs appreciate in the sleeping place

A few points are essential when it comes to finding a suitable sleeping space for your dog. First of all, in order for him to sleep peacefully and restfully, size is crucial. Especially for the deep sleep phase, it is necessary that he can stretch out completely without his head or paws protruding over the edge of the sleeping area. Accordingly, the dog sleeping area must be large. If in doubt, buy it a little larger.

Furthermore, the shape is crucial. Although our four-legged friends like to curl up, it is important for their backs that it is straight. A round dog sleeping place tempts even more to it and is suitable therefore for dozing in between. For a restful deep sleep, a rectangular shape is better, as it encourages stretching out.

The material used also deserves attention, as it affects the quality of sleep. A soft fabric is comfortable, but it does not provide support for muscles and back. Therefore, it is recommended to go for a firm but pliable core. For this reason, beds and pillows are more suitable than baskets or blankets on the floor.

Lastly, the position should be mentioned. Once you have decided on a suitable dog sleeping place, it is a matter of the right position. Because the environment also significantly affects the sleep of the dog. Our four-legged friends do not like to be secluded, but prefer to get what is happening around them. At the same time, too much hustle and bustle prevents them from coming to rest. Therefore, the ideal sleeping place is quiet, but allows the four-legged friend to have everything in view.

What owners value

The right dog sleeping place is not only tailored to the dog. For owners, there are also a few things to consider. For one thing, it is crucial that the chosen product is durable. That way, the four-legged friend gets something out of it for a long time, and it's also easy on the wallet if the bed lasts a long time. For this reason, we rely on high-quality workmanship and resistant materials for durable beds, pillows and mats.

If the dog sleeping place has then survived for some time, it comes to the next point. Over time, dirt accumulates and gets onto the material through the dog's fur or mouth. Be it food residues, saliva or dirt, an easy cleaning to free the sleeping place from it again is important. For this reason, our products are either wipeable or even suitable for washing machine and dryer. This ensures that you have it easy to give your darling a clean sleeping place.

Our wide range

In our assortment you will find a variety of different sleeping options. Whether dog beds, mats, pillows or blankets, we have the right thing for your dog. In addition, we offer accessories such as inserts, replacement covers, cuddly cushions, igloo covers and care products. Our special highlight is the orthopedic Kudde bed. This dog sleeping place is optimally adapted to the needs of the dog. You can simply wipe the high-quality imitation leather or provide it with a washable cover. However, cozy pillows and blankets are also perfectly suited to complement it. Take a look at the selection at your leisure and feel free to contact us at any time if you have any questions. We are available for a consultation.